Study 1
Use of solvent/detergent-treated pooled plasma for therapeutic plasma exchange in children11
Safety and tolerability of S/D plasma in the pediatric population.
Evaluation criteria
Adverse drug reactions, TEs, TEEs, safety laboratory parameters.
Overall safety was assessed as excellent for >90% of patients 24 hours after each TPE. Most ADRs were mild in intensity and were resolved by end of study.
# of patients: 41
Study 2
Solvent/detergent-treated plasma in the management of pediatric patients who require replacement of multiple coagulation factors: an open-label, multicenter, post-marketing study12
Collect real-world data on Octaplasma® treatment in paediatric patients with the primary focus being safety.
Evaluation criteria
Serious adverse events, adverse drug reactions, TEs, TEEs, HFEs.
Overall safety ‘excellent’ for all patients. No AEs, no hyperfibrinolytic events and no TEEs related to Octaplasma®
# of patients: 50 (0–2 years, n=37; >2 years, n=13)
Cardiac surgery, n=40; LT and/or with LD; sepsis-related coagulopathy, n=4; hypoxic encephalopathy, n=1.
Adapted from Josephson et al and Spinella et al.